Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Reliant on God

 “10. So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” (Exodus 3:10-11, NIV).

    Moses was born a slave, placed in the river as a baby, and was found and raised by Pharaoh’s daughter.  Moses had quite the story right out of the gate.  After Moses had grown up (40 years old), Moses saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew.  The short story is Moses killed the Egyptian.  Instead of cheering and thanking Moses, the Hebrews mocked him for killing the Egyptian and Moses ended up fleeing for his life. 

    The passage quoted today is 40 years later.  This is the moment where God spoke from the burning bush.  As this story unfolds we see that Moses did not feel worthy, or able, to answer God’s call on his life.  We see Moses runs out of reasons to avoid God’s call on his life, and he does go to Egypt.  We ultimately see, Moses is used by God to free the people from Egyptian control at the age of 80.  Moses gets to see God move in incredible, and miraculous ways for the rest of his life.

    What strikes me in this story, is that when Moses thought he was fit to accomplish things on his own, he failed, and ended up a long way from where he wanted to be.  However, when he felt unfit for the task, God used Moses in mighty ways.  God transformed Moses’s life when he completely surrendered to God’s will.

    How often do we try and take control of situations in our lives on our own?  How often do we try and rely on our own strength instead of His?  As we face each day, as we face each challenge, maybe we should think about one of the key points in Moses’s story.  It is when we realize we are wholly reliant on God, and uncapable in our own power, that God uses us most effectively.  Transformation happens when we surrender ourselves, and wholly let God lead.

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