Monday, December 23, 2024


These last few weeks I have been thinking about Simeon and how he was able to see Christ as a baby.  How amazing would that be?  The passage I am quoting is from Luke chapter 2 and it was 40 days after Jesus was born (after the days of purification).  “25Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. 26It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. 27Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, 28Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: 29“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace. 30For my eyes have seen your salvation, 31which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: 32a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” (Luke 2:25-32, NIV).

Oh, to have held Jesus in your arms.  Christ coming the way He did is incredible and simply amazing.  However, I want to touch on Simeon’s life in this passage.  Simeon’s story challenged me today.  In this passage, we see a man following the Lord.  Not only following the Lord, but looking for His movements and for His promises to come to fruition, with a sense of anticipation.  Simeon was eagerly waiting to see what the Lord was doing and how God was going to fulfill His promise. 

Simeon clearly understood Scripture because, he referenced Scripture in verses 29-32 (Gen 46:30, Isaiah 52:10).  He was able to hear the Spirit talking which tells us he was listening for the Lord.   He was obedient as the Spirit led him which showed his humility and his heart for serving the Lord.  Each aspect of this passage tells me he had a genuine walk, a genuine relationship with God.  One that could sense the will of God through prayer and studying His Word. 

Simeon was obedient, he eagerly looked for God, and he studied God’s Word.   If Simeon was not looking for God’s promises to come to pass, if Simeon was not obedient to the Spirit’s leading, would he have even noticed the Messiah?  Simeon was able to see the promises of God fulfilled because he was looking.

What challenges me in this passage revolves around this question.  Am I looking for God to move in my life with that same sense of anticipation as Simeon did?  Am I eagerly looking for God’s movements with eyes wide open?  God is the same yesterday, today, and forever more.  God is still moving today.  Be looking for how God is speaking to your life today, with eyes wide open.  Are you looking for God with a sense of anticipation?

Friday, December 6, 2024

Boldly to the throne!

There was a time when I thought I could never come before God with boldness.  Have you ever felt that way?  Hebrews 4:14-16 states “Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.  For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin.  Let us therefor come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (NKJV).

Before knowing Christ my life was lost in sin.  I was separated from God and heading down the wrong path.  Isaiah confirms our lostness and our separation from God when he wrote “But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He will not hear” (Isaiah 59:2).  The only way to come before God must be through faith and being righteous in His eyes.  This leaves the question, how do we become righteous in the sight of God.  This only comes because of Christ, what He did on the cross, and His righteousness.

Paul wrote “and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith” (Phil 3:9).  Through God’s righteousness He has forgiven our sins and He has also prepared for us righteousness by which we come to Him. 

Why is it that I do not always feel righteous though?  As I read Scripture from day to day I find I feel bolder in coming to God with my thoughts and prayers.  However, there are also times when I do not always read as much as I want and then I feel less worthy.  There are times I feel I proclaim His Word with zeal and then turn around not having the same passion.  My level of boldness sometimes feels like it is attached to my own abilities or my own thoughts of righteousness. 

So, what is our righteousness?  Scripture reveals “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption” (1 Cor. 1:30).  This means that Christ is our righteousness.  It is Christ Himself that is our righteousness.  This is the only way we can come before God because He is our righteousness.  It is because of Christ living within us.  We are clothed in righteousness because it is Christ who is our righteousness.  This means, as born-again believers, we can come to God with boldness at any moment for we have Christ in us who is our righteousness.  Therefor, do not be hesitant to come before our God and King for we have His righteousness living within us.

So, when the devil comes around and tells you to not talk to God, telling you that you are not worthy, saying your needs are too small, remember He is our righteousness.  Watchman Nee wrote that when Satan comes barking at you that “… you can reply “You have forgotten, Satan, that my righteousness before God is not my good conduct of today, but my righteousness before Him is Christ” (Nee, 22).  So today, remember that we can boldly come before Christ and meet with Him everyday because of Christ living in us and because of His righteousness.  We can have a relationship with God and come before Him because of Christ!  Praise be to God!

“…He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4b).


Nee, Watchman. The Glory of His Life. Christian Fellowship Publishers, 1976.


These last few weeks I have been thinking about Simeon and how he was able to see Christ as a baby.  How amazing would that be?  The passage...